About Us
Cornejo Funeral Home & Crematory has been serving Wellington area families for many years. We are thankful to have been well received by this community and plan to be a part of it for many years to come.
Cornejo Funeral Home & Crematory is family owned & operated.
In April of 1999, the business began with the opening of a custom built funeral at 1030 Mission Road in Wellington, Kansas. In September of 2020, the business expanded operations by purchasing the local branch of Shelley Family Funeral Home which has operated at 704 North Washington Avenue since 1960. The merger will allow Cornejo Funeral Home & Crematory to continue the long history of locally owned funeral service in Wellington and the surrounding communities. We view you and your loved one as an important part of the history that makes us who we are today.
Local Ownership
The business owner, Tytus L. Cornejo, was born and raised in Wellington, Kansas and feels this gives him a uniquely vested interest in our community because it has been “home” all his life. Because this is our hometown, our team feels deeply committed to building lasting relationships with our community members through friendly and professional services.
Local Operations
We strive to provide a high level of service at an affordable price and recognize that what may be affordable to one family may not be affordable to others. With this in mind, our funeral home provides options to every family regardless of their financial means. Our owner wants to assist every family that needs us and has never let costs get in the way of helping our community. To this end, he and the previous owner, Bryce Day, worked together to create a foundation that would assist families in need of financial assistance for funeral services.
Our history is what makes us who we are and at Cornejo Funeral Home & Crematory we are lifelong community members that value your relationship and trust.
Our Facility
At Cornejo Funeral Home & Crematory, we understand the importance of superior service and genuine relationships; but, we also understand that a modern facility is highly important. Our eight thousand square foot facility presents many amenities never before offered by a local funeral home. Some considerate features include lighted off-street parking, ground level entrances, a library and lounge area along with a large and spacious funeral chapel.
To accommodate the changing needs of the funeral business, the facility has gone through several major re-models and now has additional office space, an expanded foyer, a toddler/children's room, a state-of-the-art audio/visual system, and beautiful outdoor grounds. The funeral business has changed drastically over the years and the facilities of Cornejo Funeral Home will continue to adapt to meet those needs.